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Week 22: Ms. King’s Explosive Radio Interview

God loves the Homeless

Week 22: Walking in the shoes of the homeless and unemployed

God’s Modern Day Millionaires Talk Show with Dr. Gregg will feature Ms. Sapphire Jule King tonight.

Episode Topic
“God loves the Homeless”

Episode Description
Our guest Ms. Sapphire Jule King will share how she went from homelessness to being elected Assistant Secretary of the Executive Committee for a very large Civil Rights organization in just a few months. Ms. King will share how she obeyed the voice of God to leave her home, family, friends and business to go to a city where she knew no one. In doing so she ended up homeless during one of the worst financial meltdowns the US has ever experienced. What would you do? Tune in to find out what she did.

Audience Access
Call in #: (714) 464-4846
Listen: online
Day: March 30, 2011
Time: 5:30-6:00pm (CST)
6:30-7:00pm (EST)

Audience Questions
Click Send Message under Dr. Gregg’s show profile to submit any questions you would like him to ask Ms. King.

About the Show
Empowering listeners to live their Dreams during hard times. “Making a difference in the lives of suffering humanity.” Dr. Gregg’s God’s Modern Day Millionaires is a daily Devotional and talk show that showcases Market Place Leaders. These Leaders are committed to using their time, talent and treasures to make a difference for the less fortunate in urban and rural communities around the world. This talk show was created to showcase how they are making a difference as they eradicate systemic poverty, to feed the hungry and create affordable housing, take care of the orphans, provide a better quality of life for the hopeless and homeless everywhere. “Making a difference in the lives of suffering humanity”.

About Ms. King’s Journey

Copyright © 2010 Sapphire Jule King and International Freedom Coalition

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