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Self-Love Foundation

Self-Love is Respect

Self-love acts in a manner becoming of a member of God’s royal family, one chosen by God to reflect the character of Jesus in this world. When we think we are not good enough instead of loving and accepting our imperfect selves just the way we are, we are behaving beneath our royal position in God’s Kingdom. Own your royalty in God. Respect it.

Self-Love is Humble

Self-love is humble. Self-love knows that God determines our value and our worth. Like a $100 bill that retains its value despite being stepped on, mashed in the mud, crumbled, torn, and taped back together, our value and worth in God are never diminished by hard times, criticism, trauma, and drama.

Self-Love is Modest

Self-love is quietly successful. Knowing that all we are and all we have is because of God’s unfailing love, mercy, and grace toward us, we need not boast. Our “stuff” doesn’t have the power to save us. Only Jesus. That’s God’s point. We have because God gives and gives generously, exceedingly, and abundantly. We live because Jesus died.

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Self-Love is Content

Self-love does not envy. Self-love is content. Envy is based on a fear that our basic human need for safety, security, love, belonging, and self-actualization will not be met. Contentment is consciously choosing to put our trust, belief, hope, and faith in God as the ultimate provider and unlimited source for all these needs. To love ourselves by being content is to receive the perfect peace of the Holy Spirit alive within us.

photo of heart-shaped cove with text overlay self-love is kind

Self-Love is Kind

Loving ourselves with kindness is to be tenderhearted, compassionate, agreeable, softhearted, empathetic, warmhearted, understanding, friendly, pleasant, helpful, gentle, and warm toward ourselves. Today, be aware of the cruel thoughts toward yourself that run through your mind or spill from your lips.

image of hearts in the background with overlay text "Self Love Patient"

Self-Love is Patient

In self-love terms, patience is staying committed to nurturing your truth, your faith, your hope, your dreams, your gifts, your calling, your purpose, and your well-being through gentle self-talk when life pushes up against you. Of the 16 different traits of love in the bible, patience is listed first. Patience is foundational.

three stacked building blocks with God, Self, and Others written on a block

Self-Love is Not Selfish

Self-love is not selfish. It’s the second greatest commandment God gave us. When you stand on what is true, what is pure, and what is healthy for you and when you stand on your faith, your hopes, your gifts, your dreams, and your unique calling, you are standing on the word of God.